"Alyssa was beyond amazing for the birth of our son. He ended up coming early (like we were going to have our last appointment with Alyssa the next week) and she helped me feel prepared and calm all throughout labor. She had so many tricks up her sleeve and things in her bag to help me have a natural birth, from essential oils to reminding me to breathe correctly, from ways to make my room calm, to different birthing positions. She helped my husband know how to help. My mom, who was in the delivery room, was also so impressed with Alyssa! She is the best!"
From childbirth education classes, a lactation consultant course, and access to resources and support whenever I needed, having Alyssa as part of my birth team was everything I needed to go on feeling strong, confident, and prepared."
"Although my labor and delivery was long and not without complications, having Alyssa there, to support both my husband and I made a huge difference. I felt safe and secure and able to power through with her by my side. Her expertise and calming demeanor was everything I needed in those painful and difficult moments. I truly cannot thank her enough!"